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Hardenbergh Group

MSP Placement

Our people. Your way. Listening to your exact needs in order to identify the right professional to exceed expectations.

At Hardenbergh, we help our clients fill critical needs with speed, confidence, and clarity. All of our medical services professionals are thoroughly screened and vetted through detailed interviews, professional references, and a comprehensive background check. If they are in our community, we’ve made certain they’re ready to go.

Wherever you need them.

Our network of MSPs spans the U.S. Need onsite resources? Remote work the preferred approach at your facility? No problem.

Whenever you’re ready.

Because we have pre-qualified our MSPs, we can quickly pinpoint the optimal fit for your situation. Understanding time is of the essence, we are able to move swiftly, and with three decades in this industry, we’re confident we can find precisely the resource you need. We know what good looks like.

Whatever you need.

We offer resources for a wide variety of positions. From front line roles such as Credentialing Coordinators or Provider Enrollment Specialists to senior CVO or Medical Staff Services Leaders and beyond, consider us your partner in the pursuit of operational excellence.

Let us help your organization thrive.

We don’t merely fill in gaps. We enhance organizations with an eye toward improvement, optimization, and evolution. Organizations are defined by their people. And we deliver the very best.